The last few months have been some of the happiest of my life. I feel so blessed and so loved. I am so grateful for the calm that comes after the storm. For the first time in many years, I haven't been insanely busy, stressed out about work or school, and am just enjoying family. It truly is such a privilege to be able to stay at home with your baby. It's such a contrast from the past few years for me. Sometimes I miss the hustle and bustle of work, and especially the wonderful business that comes from teaching, but I am loving the calm of home life. I love reading Renne stories and dancing with her in the living room. I love singing to her and playing peek-a-boo. I love watching her discover new things, and am so lucky to be the one to show her the way. I realize this phase won't last very long as Renne grows bigger and busier, and we bring more babies into our home, so i am trying to really take it in and enjoy it. It really is a time I will treasure.
Renne makes me laugh all the time. She is such a funny little girl. She definitely knows when she's doing something she knows she might not supposed to be doing, and she has the most hilarious mischievous little grin on her face. She looks just like Tim when she does it! It cracks me up! I love her expression when I go to get her from her crib. She has the cutest eyes that light up when she sees me. There is no better feeling. She is going through a clingy mommy stage, and despite my growing to-do list as a result, I really don't mind it! She loves being held and she is so cuddly right now! She just nuzzles into my shoulder and gives me a little pat on my back, just like I do when I squeeze her tight. She's started mimicking my actions a lot more. She can clap now, and is working on waving. She sticks out her tongue and wiggles it when you do. She bounces and rocks when she's excited, and she loves to KICK everything! She's got one heck of a swing behind her kicks. Watch out! She especially likes to kick when mommy brings her into her and Daddy's bed! She army crawls still. She pushes up on her knees all the time, but hasn't quite mastered moving on them just yet. She's taking her time I guess. We adore her and she is so loved. She sure is lucky to be spending so much time with Grandma and Grandpa Low. She gets lots of cuddles and kisses, and she knows when she's the centre of attention! Uh Oh! She's my little monkey and I love her for it.
I am so lucky to be her mom.