Friday, February 19, 2010

Time Flies....

Well, i'm not the first to say it but time flies when you're having fun...

Happy Valentines Day everybody! Hope you shared some love!

Well the last few months have been very busy. I'm loving school this semester. I cannot believe that we're half-way through February already! This weekend we got to go see lots of family which was awesome. We got to see Allie, Gary, Seth, Kim, Jared, Julie, Carter, Hayley, Jon, and Katie! We also got to party with my family for my sister's birthday! The weekend went by too fast! Allie and Gary came and played wii with us and it was so sweet to see them! FuN tImEs!!! Wish we had pictures... It was a blast. On family day we went skating with the girls and Tim is seriously really a good figure skater. He was jumping and spinning and impressing us all...only one problem...he gets too dizzy...kinda dangerous! Hilarious.

Bryanne and I with her cake I made for her. Happy Birthday Bry!

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