Wednesday, December 2, 2015


"Men are that they may have joy"
I have been blessed beyond measure. I have felt so much joy in my life and have been given much more than I deserve. 
We have had an amazing year. Looking back it hasn't always been easy, in fact it's been very trying at times and very busy, but I just can't believe how much I have grown, because of these 2 sweet girls. They have shaped me into a much better person.

They have taught me more than I can comprehend and I am so lucky to call them mine. I am so grateful to know we can be together forever.

Life is messy and hard and exhausting and unfair. It's a terrifying world for a young mother. I have no idea what the future holds or what will happen next year, but I know that when I try to do what's right and my priorities are straight, I feel the most incredible joy and peace, even amidst the chaos of life. I know in those moments that I am not alone, that this role is divine.